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When considering some dental procedures such as implants it is extremely important that your gums are healthy and have adequate bone to support the implant.
If the bone is to thin or soft to support the implant you may need to have a bone graft.
During a bone graft procedure the surgeon will use a special bone grafting material, and graft it onto the jaw bone.
Depending on the bone graft sometimes if it is minor it can be done at the same time as the implant surgery or you may need to wait a few months while the graft creates enough new, strong bone to make sure that the implant will be stable and secure.
A successful bone graft allows your jaw bone to be strong enough to support your dental implant.
Gum grafting is a common method to treat root exposure which is often caused by gum recession. Gum recession can occur gradually it commonly occurs from Periodontal (gum disease) however, can be caused from aggressive or improper brushing techniques, force applied to your teeth from grinding or clenching and occasionally the forces applied from misaligned teeth. Tongue and lip piercings can also rub and irritate the gums which results in the tissue wearing away. You may experience sensitivity to hot and cold, your gums may be visibly receding which can leave a portion of your tooth's root to be exposed.
Whilst there are different types of gum graft surgeries performed the most common involves tissue that is taken from your palate (roof of your mouth) which is then stitched over the area of the exposed root.
Once this procedure has been completed it will help to stop any further gum recession and bone loss, can reduce sensitivity previously experienced and help to protect the roots of your teeth from root decay. In addition asthetically will result in a more even gumline and can give you more confidence to smile!

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